
And Another Thing……….Allegedly

All of those who appear on TV – it is worth remembering that just because you are ‘on a lot’ doesn’t mean you are ‘popular’. It usually means you kiss-arse.

The only good politician is an ex-politician.

The only really good ones are the dead ones.

It’s that juxtaposition of the REAL world and Politicians talking CRAP.

Thoughts and Ramblings from a strange mind.

It is entirely possible that we have stolen, subliminally, ideas from the Master . We are not sure we are prepared to make any sort of apology.

The News Behind The News

Some of it’s true, some of it’s made-up, but most of is a mixture. You’ll have to make your own mind up each time. Then do the same with the rest of the media!

The last person who should ever be allowed to become an MP is anyone who puts their name forward to be an MP.

 I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member – Marx (G)

We also claim the name: Photoon – a photographic cartoon. It’s ours, copyright and all stuff like that. We have created lots of photoons throughout The FordingtonField now The Field.

We also claim the name: Cartograph – a cartoon photograph. It’s ours, copyright and all stuff like that. We have created lots of cartographs throughout The FordingtonField now The Field.

3 Responses to 0About

  1. lindsay400 says:

    Looks promising … so that’s FB, Twitter and own Blog covered, what next? Own YouTube account or own TV station??


  2. Just a point regarding your piece about the Street art under the bridge in Damers Road. It was the District Council that instigated this work and it was the TOWN COUNCIL who objected to it (in response to one complaint from a husband and wife) they are two different organisations with different political allegences. The problem is the over-reaction of some of the TOWN Councillors..


    • Thanks for that clarification. The main point was that is an approved site for graffiti and the reference to Great Western was not as arbitrary as an initial glance might seem.


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