Doublespeak Rears Its Head Over In The Department For Education

Schools in England are now spending £1.3 billion on supply teachers. Supply teachers are not employed directly by the school but are usually part of an agency that will cover a region with several schools. In the most basic form they need only arrive for a lesson, be responsible for that and nothing beyond that. Many do more than that but few have a contract that tells them they must.

Now many would say that it seems pretty obvious that if you need to employ supply staff to the tune of £1.3 billion then you clearly have a shortage of fully qualified teachers. If not then why would you waste so much money?

Now you see that is all wrong; listen because this takes some believing! According to the Department for Education – “our increased spending on supply teachers simply reflects our increased total spending in response to rising pupil numbers.”

Hang on; so the number of pupils has risen which has meant that you need supply teachers but this doesn’t mean who have a teacher shortage? What an utter load of bollox! MORE
utter bollox

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